This is where your journey begins. Get to know yourself, your thoughts, your feelings and your behaviour.  Join us as we grow and succeed together. We're glad you're here to be a part of your story.

Psychological Game of Life

Life can present difficult challenges

Coach yourself, your friends, your family 

What cards has life dealt you?

Understand your mind 

Are your thoughts, feelings and behaviour working for you or against you?

  • Play by yourself or alongside a coach or therapist
  • Understand the strengths and weaknesses of your thoughts, feelings and behaviours
  • Your psychological challenge does not have to be stated or revealed, removing the barriers that might exist of fear of judgement or stigma.
  • One session of playing the game will be the equivalent of multiple coaching or therapy sessions as multiple levels will guide the player to discover thought distortions and thought bias strategies.
  • Life can present many challenges and amazing experiences,
  • Find out and explore if your own strategies are effective to overcome life’s challenges.
  • Is there self-sabotage at play?
  • Are you being limited by unhelpful thoughts and behaviours?
  • Is your strategic mind set working for you or against you?
  • Is life being cruel or are we just getting things wrong?
  • Create awareness and access support to navigate the complexities of life challenges.
  • Why is it so difficult at times to meet the Expectations, and structures life presents.
  • Take the opportunity to know more about yourself and empower yourself to lead a fulfilling and less challenging future.


    Coach yourself, Friends and family multiple times for less than the cost of one coaching session.


      When you discover your cage is your thoughts you will be free


      The Psychological Game of Life is a unique coaching intervention that is having a major impact on the players that participate. The game does not replace professional support, medication or the need that might exist that professional support may need to be sought once the player has identified any thought distortions, adverse behaviour etc.