Step 1 Select the following cards

Life Cards

Society Coach

Stoic Philosophy

When you have removed the 4sand 6s and placed them below the Emotional intelligence cards, the rest of the pack is placed here. Place these cards face up.

Emotional Intelligence Cards
Place the set of emotional intelligence Cards on the lefthand side.

Collect all of the 4s and 6s These are Behavior Cards
Place below the Emotional Intelligence cards. Face up.

Game now setup

This Life card starts the Game
This is where our journey begins.
The player now has the opportunity to state the challenge, write down the challenge or not to disclose the challenge at all.
Removing all of the barriers that may exist re judgement, uncertainty and stigma.

Select the thought cards underneath the Life cards
The player now selects the thought cards and chooses which card fits in relation to what life challenge has been chosen. The chosen cards are placed in a horizontal line. Whatever cards are not selected are now placed to the right-hand side of the thought line. You have 5 seconds to place the card once you have read it.

Player now selects Emotional Intelligence cards chooses what’s relevant and places unchosen cards to the righthand side of the feelings line.
You have 5 seconds to place the card once you have read it.
Player now selects behaviour cards (4s and 6s) chooses what’s relevant and places unchosen cards to the right-hand side of the behaviour line. You now have 5 seconds to place the card when you have read it.

Now turn over your chosen Emotional Intelligence and Behaviour cards
First level of game now completed
Take a photo of your 1st level game

This now reveals any Thought Distortions, Adverse Behaviour, Positive Strategy.
Take a photo
Second level now starts, the next three set of cards come into play and will steer the game through multiple levels
Choose Life cards, Society Coach and Philosophy

Life Cards
Choose your next life card to create next level,
Take photos of each stage or level,
Create new strategies

Society Coach
Coach your self or others, create new strategies
Take photos of each stage or level

Stoic Philosophy
Add this enlightenment to create new strategies

Society Coach can now identify mind state.
Explore distortions, look to identify CBT practises to address the thought bias.
You have the option and opportunity to photograph any new Strategies, positive interventions from the Coaching Cards- Philosophy Cards.

Further Support
Most importantly the coach can now play this card
Identify good professional support and engage with the knowledge and enlightenment you have taken from the game.
The Psychological Game of Life is a unique coaching intervention that is having a major impact on the players that participate. The game does not replace professional support, medication or the need that might exist that professional support may need to be sought once the player has identified any thought distortions, adverse behaviour etc.